It might seam a bit old-fashioned, but my strong advice is to ALWAYS prepare a detailed lesson plan for each of your lessons. Ideally, with one or two extra activities in case of unexpected spare time. This is an example of my lesson plan for a small class of kids aged 6-7 years old:

Especially with kids, there should be no “empty” moments, when you are not sure what to do. Have a look at your notes and fill the time with one of the activities you have prepared. Depending on the situation / mood in the class, you might skip an activity you have intended to do. Or, on the contrary, it might be profitable to dedicate it more time than originally intended if you realize that the class is enjoying it particularly.

Each class is a world of its own: a fantastic activity which is a big favourite in one class, might be a complete flop in another one. This happened to me many times. It kind of beats you down, it brings you to doubt your own abilities, but really it’s not your fault. It’s like a tasty dish you have cooked that many of your friends find delicius…but some don’t: simply because they just don’t like that kind of food.

So remember: BE READY for the lesson. Have a step-by-step plan, with some extra activities just in case…